Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Time to reflect….

25 FEBRUARY 2014 - 25 FEBRUARY 2015

It has been half century of journey
Been there done that
Good, bad, happy and sad
Those memories will forever engraved into my heart

Those were the days
Meet and lost many friends along the way
Even amongst siblings and relatives
But hey it’s the way it has to be

The journey was full of adventures
I have climbed many mountains and swam deep into the sea
Crossing borders and boundaries
Together sharing with friends and my ever loving family

Almost had my life taken away few times
But Allah has another plan for me
and I thank Allah for the opportunities and that extra time

Today is exactly one year since that eventful day
I now consider this date as the day I was reborn again

Now is another phase of the journey
and I choose to live life forever like no tomorrow
and keep close to my heart always remember that I might die tomorrow……